Tuesday, December 1, 2009


UCU- What is your business and when did it form?

Kykyandkiki started a year and a half ago when I decided to start selling some of the products I had been making for my friends' babies and for my niece Kiana. I started with two kinds of bibs...soft flannel for babies and larger oil cloth bibs with a pocket for toddlers who begin eating solid foods. As my niece has grown I've added little kid costumes and gear for when she plays 'mom'. I named my business kykyandkiki because her nickname is Kiki and she calls me Aunt Kyky.

UCU- If you could have a super power what would it be?

I would definitely love the super power ability to instantaneously arrive at my destination without having to take the time or energy to walk, drive or fly there. I hate the time it takes to travel and always seem just a few minutes behind schedule due to that bridge being up or something else unexpected. Wouldn't it be great to just be there?

UCU- Favorite holiday memory?

One of my favorite holiday memories is gearing up each year with my parents and siblings when we were kids and tromping around our property to find a Christmas tree. One year we decided to do it in the dark with just a lantern. We had a blast, even though the tree looked hideous once inside and exposed by light!

UCU- Will you have a special $5 item for UCU's anniversary?

Still working out the details...but possiblities are a baby pacifier clip or maybe a set of gift tags. Not sure...I'm still creating!

UCU- Got any new items you will be showcasing at the show?

Since this is my first Urban Craft Uprising everything feels new, but my latest creation is a little girl nurse costume from the Civil War era. So cute!

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